Data Structures Lab

Instruction: 3 Periods / week

Univ. Exam : 3 Hours

Sessional Marks: 50

Univ-Exam-Marks: 50

1. Write a program to implement the operations on stacks.

2. Write a program to implement the operations on circular queues

3. Write a program for sorting a list using Bubble sort and then apply binary search.

4. Write a program to create a binary search tree and for implementing the in order, preorder, post order traversal using recursion

5. Write a program for finding the Depth First Search of a graph, and Breadth First Search of a graph

6. Write a program for converting a given infix expression to postfix form

7. Write a program for evaluating a given postfix expression

8. Write a program for implementing the operations of a dequeue

9. Write a program for the representation of polynomials using circular linked list and for the addition of two such polynomials

10. Write a program for quick sort

11. Write a program for Heap sort

12. Write a program for Merge sort.

13. a) Write a program for finding the transitive closure of a digraph

b) Write a program for finding the shortest path from a given source to any vertex in a digraph using Dijkstra’s algorithm


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