Object Oriented Programming

Instruction: 3 Periods & 1 Tut /week

Univ. Exam : 3 Hours

Sessional Marks: 30


1. Procedural Paradigms, Object Oriented Paradigm, Concept of Data Abstraction Encapsulation,Inheritance and Polymorphism

2. Introduction to U.M.L : Description of various U.M.L. Diagrams with examples.


3. Basics of Object Oriented Programming : benefits of OOP, data types, declarations, expressions andoperator precedence, functions, scope of variables

4. Introduction to OOP : Classes and objects, Constructors & Destructors, Operator Overloading & typeconversions.

5. Inheritance : Derived classes, syntax of derived classes, making private members inheritable, single,multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, hybrid inheritance

6. Polymorphism: Pointers, virtual functions and polymorphism- pointers to objects, this pointer,pointers to derived classes, virtual and pure virtual functions.

7. Templates, Exception handling, console I/O and File I/O: class templates, Function templates,member function templates, exception handling, managing console I/O operations, working withfiles.


8. Intoduction to JAVA: Introduction, Classes and Objects, Arrays, strings and Vectors, ExceptionHandling, Managing I/O files in Java.

9. Packages and Interface, and Multi threading: Packages, Interfaces, creating, extending, stopping,blocking threads, thread states, thread methods, exceptions, priority in threads, synchronization,Runnable interface.

Text Books:

1. JAVA 2.0- Complete Reference : Herbert Schildt & F. Naughton.

2. Introduction to JAVA PROGRAMMING by Y.Daniel Liang (PHI)

3. Object oriented Programming using C++: E. Balagurusamy, PHI.4. Programming with JAVA- A primer: E. Balagurusamy, PHI

5. The Unified Modeling Languages user Guide by Grady Booch Etal.(Pearson Education)


6. Object Oriented Programming in C++: N. Barkakati, PHI

7. Object Oriented Programming through C++ by Robat Laphore.

8. Object Oriented Analysis and Design by Andrew Haigh – (Tata Mcgrah Hjill.)


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