Object Oriented Programming

Instruction: 3 Periods & 1 Tut /week

Univ. Exam : 3 Hours

Sessional Marks: 30


1. Procedural Paradigms, Object Oriented Paradigm, Concept of Data Abstraction Encapsulation,Inheritance and Polymorphism

2. Introduction to U.M.L : Description of various U.M.L. Diagrams with examples.


3. Basics of Object Oriented Programming : benefits of OOP, data types, declarations, expressions andoperator precedence, functions, scope of variables

4. Introduction to OOP : Classes and objects, Constructors & Destructors, Operator Overloading & typeconversions.

5. Inheritance : Derived classes, syntax of derived classes, making private members inheritable, single,multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, hybrid inheritance

6. Polymorphism: Pointers, virtual functions and polymorphism- pointers to objects, this pointer,pointers to derived classes, virtual and pure virtual functions.

7. Templates, Exception handling, console I/O and File I/O: class templates, Function templates,member function templates, exception handling, managing console I/O operations, working withfiles.


8. Intoduction to JAVA: Introduction, Classes and Objects, Arrays, strings and Vectors, ExceptionHandling, Managing I/O files in Java.

9. Packages and Interface, and Multi threading: Packages, Interfaces, creating, extending, stopping,blocking threads, thread states, thread methods, exceptions, priority in threads, synchronization,Runnable interface.

Text Books:

1. JAVA 2.0- Complete Reference : Herbert Schildt & F. Naughton.

2. Introduction to JAVA PROGRAMMING by Y.Daniel Liang (PHI)

3. Object oriented Programming using C++: E. Balagurusamy, PHI.4. Programming with JAVA- A primer: E. Balagurusamy, PHI

5. The Unified Modeling Languages user Guide by Grady Booch Etal.(Pearson Education)


6. Object Oriented Programming in C++: N. Barkakati, PHI

7. Object Oriented Programming through C++ by Robat Laphore.

8. Object Oriented Analysis and Design by Andrew Haigh – (Tata Mcgrah Hjill.)

Systems Programming

nstruction: 3 Periods & 1 Tut /week

Univ. Exam : 3 Hours

Sessional Marks: 30


Introduction to Systems Programming, Introduction to Assembly Language Programming - Introduction to Instruction Formats, Data formats - Role of Base Register, Index Register.

Introduction to Assembler, databases used in assembler design, Design of Assembler - Single Pass & Double Pass.

Introduction to Macros, various types of Macros, Design of Macro Processor - Single Pass & Double Pass. Introduction to Loaders, functions of a loader, types of Loaders, databases used in Loaders, Design of Loaders - Absolute & DLL.

Introduction to Software Tools, Text editors, Interpreters, Program Generators, Debug Monitors.


Systems Programming by Donovan

Tata Mc Graw Hill


System Programming by Dhamdhere

Tata Mc Graw Hill, IInd Revised Edition

Discrete Mathematical Structures - II

Instruction: 3 Periods & 1 Tut /week

Univ. Exam : 3 Hours

Sessional Marks: 30


Introduction: Relations-Types of relations-Matrix representation of relations-Representation of relations as graphs-Ordering-Partial Ordering-Functions-Compositionof Functions-Binary and n-ary Operations-Characteristic Functions of a set-Hashingfunctions-Recursion-Primitive recursive functions-Recursive functions.

Algebraic Structures: Algebraic Systems-Semi groups and Monoids-Grammars andLanguages-Polish expression and their compilation-Groups-The application of residuearithmetic to Computers- Group Codes

Lattices: Lattices as Partially Ordered Sets-Properties of Lattices- Sublattices-DirectProduct and Homomorphisms-Isomorphisms-Modular Lattices-Distributive lattices-Complimented lattices –Their Properties

Boolean Algebra: Definition- Subalgebra-Direct Product-Homomorphisms-Isomorphisms-Boolean Functions-Representation of Boolean Functions-Minimization ofBoolean Functions-Design examples of Boolean Algebra

Computability: Introduction-Finite State Machines-Introductory Sequential Circuits-Equivalence of Finite State Machines-Finite State Acceptors and Regular Grammars-Turing Machines and Partial Recursive Functions.

Text Book:

Discrete Mathematical Structures with applications to computer science by J. P.Trembley & R. Manohar Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi.

Reference Books:

1) Discrete and combinatorial mathematics by Ralph. G. Grimaldi Pearson Education,New Delhi

2) Elements of discrete mathematics by C. L. Liu, Tata McGraw-Hill PublishingCompany, New Delhi

Computer Organization

Instruction: 3 Periods & 1 Tut /week

Univ. Exam : 3 Hours

Sessional Marks: 30


Register Transfer and Micro operations :

Register Transfer Language, Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfers, Arithmetic Micro-operations, Logic Micro-operations, Shift Micro-operations, Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.

Basic Computer Organization and Design:

Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions, Timing and Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory-Reference Instructions, Input-Output and Interrupt, Complete Computer Description.

Microprogrammed Control:

Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro program Example.

Central Processing Unit:

Introduction, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation, Program Control.

Computer Arithmetic :

Introduction, Addition and Subtraction, Decimal Arithmetic Unit.

Input-Output Organization:

Peripheral Devices, Input-Output Interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, Modes of Transfer, Priority Interrupt, Direct Memory Access.

Memory Organization:

Memory Hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory.

Text Book:

Computer System Architecture, M.Morris Mano ,Third Edition, Pearson Education Inc., 2003

Reference Book:

Computer Systems Organization and Architecture, John D. Carpinelli ,Pearson Education Inc., 2003

Microprocessors - I

Instruction: 3 Periods & 1 Tut /week

Univ. Exam : 3 Hours

Sessional Marks: 30


The 8085A μP. Architecture and Instruction Set:

Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcomputers, Internal Architecture and Functional/SignalDescription of typical 8-bit μP.- 8085, Instruction Set and Timing Diagrams of 8085 μP.

Programming the 8085 μP.:

Assembly Language Programming Requirements, Programming Techniques: Looping, Counting, andIndexing, Counter and timing Delays, Stack and Subroutines, Code Conversion, BCD Arithmetic, 16-bitdata Operations, Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routines

The 8086 μP. Architecture and Instruction Set:

Internal Architecture and Functional/Signal Description of 8086/8088Segmented Memory, Maximum-Mode and Minimum-Mode Operation, Addressing Modes,Instruction Set and Timing Diagrams

Programming the 8086 μP.:

Assembly Language Requirements, Data Definition, COM and EXE program FilesProgramming techniques: Logical Processing, Arithmetic processing, Time Delay Loops Procedures, Datatables, Modular programming, and Macros

Text Books:

1.Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085 Ramesh S. Gaonkar, 4thEdition, Penram International, 1999

2. The 80x86 Family, Design, Programming and Interfacing, John E.Uffenbeck, 3rd Edition, PearsonEducation Inc., 2002

Reference Book:

1. IBM PC Assembler Language and Programming, Peter Abel, 5th Edition, PearsonEducation Inc., 2001

2. The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors, Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications,Water A. Triebel and Avtar Singh, 4th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., 2003

3. Microprocessors and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware, 2nd Edition, Douglass V. Hall, TMHEdition, 1999

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